The 7-Step Exit Planning Process™

The 7-step process is flexible and dynamic. The steps do not necessarily have to be addressed in the following sequence, and more than one may be in progress at a given time.
The Foundation: Establish Goals and Quantify Resources
.Step 1: Business Owner Establishes Exit Goals
Departure Date: the date on which owner wants to leave the business (anything from an immediate departure to an "until death do us part" plan).
Financial Goal: the amount of cash the owner needs, at the time of departure, to support the desired post-business lifestyle for the rest of the owner's (and spouse's) life.
Successor(s): Owner's choice(s) for successor owners and managers, i.e., child, key employee, or outside buyer.
Step 2: Business and Personal Financial Resources and Gap Analysis
Quantify business and personal assets.
Determine whether or not assets are sufficient to satisfy the owner's financial goal.
If there is a gap, it must be filled through growth in business value and cash flow for the owner to exit on own terms (established in Step 1).
The Straws that Stir the Drink: Business Cash Flow and Value
Step 3: Maximizing and Protecting Business Value
Focus on business characteristics that have been proven to contribute to the growth and preservation of business value ("Value Drivers"), such as:
Stable, motivated management team;
Solid, diversified customer/client base;
Realistic growth strategy;
Operating systems that improve sustainability of cash flows;
Good and improving cash flow;
Effective financial controls.
Value Drivers are particularly important when business value is insufficient to fill a gap between (i) the amount an owner needs for desired post-business lifestyle (established in Step 1), and (ii) the value of the owner's other assets.
The Main Event
Step 4: Ownership Transfers to Third Parties
Determine if the business is likely to attract third-party buyers.
Prepare the owner for the sale process, e.g. letter of intent, non-disclosure agreement, due diligence, negotiations, anticipated professional fees, and other costs.
Prepare the business for sale.
Work with investment banker, intermediary, or business broker; employing "controlled auction" strategy, if possible.
Work with owner's professional advisors to structure the sale transaction, including tax, business, and personal goals and issues.
Step 5: Ownership Transfers to Insiders
Fundamental Challenge: Typically, an owner's children, co-owners, or key employees (collectively "insiders") don't have, and cannot borrow, much money.
Planning for an insider transfer takes time and works best when the owner stays with the company for several years, allowing time to:
Accumulate the necessary cash through Value Driver Planning and other business strategies;
Deploy tax minimization strategies for the owner, as well as the purchasing insiders, to enable them to pay the owner in a manner that they - and the business - can afford;
Transfer management responsibility in an orderly fashion so that successors are ready to step into their new roles
Minimize risk by ensuring that owner maintains control until financial goal is met.
Preserving the Legacy
Step 6: Business Continuity
Here, we seek to protect the owner and successor(s) in the event that the planned transition is derailed by the death or disability of the owner or successor(s).
Tools can include:
Written continuity instructions (to include designating individuals to assume specified authority and responsibility);
Buy-sell agreement;
Life disability, and key person insurance;
Arrangements with banks regarding personal guaranties and continuing credit; and
"Stay Bonuses" for key employees so that they will remain with the business for a specified time following the owner's death or disability.
Step 7: Personal Wealth and Estate Planning
The business usually represents the greatest portion of the owner's net worth and income.
Personal wealth and estate planning:
Provides financial, legal, tax, and asset protection benefits;
Focuses on protecting personal assets and managing wealth for the present, the future, and upon death;
Considers personal goals and values, including family harmony and fairness to all children.
The Exit Planning Review© is a twice monthly e-newsletter for business owners and their advisors. Each issue discusses a topic affecting business owners who must plan for likely the single most important financial event of their lives - the transition out of their business.
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