ExitMap is a free, no-obligation tool that enables business owners to take a first step towards Exit Planning by quickly identifying important personal and organizational goals.
There's no large investment of time—just a 15-minute online questionnaire. Based on your answers, you and I each receive, at no cost, a 12-page customized assessment that ranks overall preparedness for transition, as well as readiness in the following categories:
· Finance: understanding of business value and tax issues.
· Planning: progress in preparing successors, emergency plans and a post-ownership vision.
· Revenue/Profit: how business trends will appear to potential buyers and lenders.
· Operations: readiness of employees, systems and processes for new leadership.
The Next Step
The assessment evaluates the difficulty and time necessary to achieve recommended changes. After digesting it, for a modest fee, you can opt for an approximately hour-long debriefing with me, accompanied by a 40-page analysis which, among other things, expands upon the assessment.
In the debriefing, informed by the assessment, we will focus on areas which should receive immediate attention. We typically discuss subjects such as (i) establishing business and personal goals, (ii) prioritizing why, when and how to address the issues raised by your questionnaire responses, and (iii) selecting other advisors, such as tax and wealth management professionals, since an exit plan is multi-dimensional and no single consultant has all the necessary expertise. This may include one or more of your existing advisors.